But you're some dumb, common criminal. 但你的确是又蠢又平凡的犯人啊。
Identity theft is one of the most common criminal acts in society today. 身份盗窃是最常见的犯罪行为,在今天的社会。
Because of one minor offence he was branded as a common criminal. 由于一次轻微的过错他蒙受普通刑事犯的污名。
Of the judicial interpretations of economy criminal, some regulations on accomplice are unreasonable, for their equaling the neutral conducts with the common criminal facilitation. 经济犯罪司法解释中关于共犯处罚的若干规定,是把中立行为的帮助等同于一般的帮助犯对待,而不具有合理性;
The stiffer penalty to the consequential crime is a common criminal form in the criminal law. 结果加重犯是刑法分则中较多见的一种犯罪形态。
Some policemen were injured or dead in common criminal or public order cases instead of serious violence crime of robbery, kidnapping and drug trafficking. 导致民警遇袭伤亡的许多案子,并非持枪抢劫、绑架、贩毒等重大暴力犯罪,而是普通的刑事和治安案件;
It is similar to other common criminal offences in nature, but has its own features, especially in terms of subject and object, and from subjective aspect and objective aspect. 该罪既有与其他普通刑事犯罪相同的一面,如犯罪本质,也有其自身的特征。在犯罪构成上,国际恐怖主义犯罪的主体、客体、主观方面和客观方面更是有其自身的特点。
Investigation of drug cases, is different from that of common criminal cases, and is similar to special criminal cases such as spy and espionage agent violating national safety. 毒品案件的侦查同普通刑事案件有明显区别,而与侦破危害国家安全的特务、间谍案件有类似之处。实践中,对如何认定当事人对其持有的毒品是否明知;
The presumption of innocence embodies the sprite of the charge countermeasure, while the form of the charge countermeasure and the enhancement of it always connect the establishment of the principle of the presumption of innocence in the common criminal judicial proceedings. 无罪推定原则在很多方面体现了控辩对抗的精神和要求,而刑事普通审判程序中,控辩对抗的形成与对抗性的增强离不开无罪推定原则的确立与贯彻。
In China, DNA is usually used in the common criminal cases but seldom used in the corruption crimes. 我国在一般刑事案件中应用DNA证据技术发展较快,但在查办职务犯罪时,却未能很好地发挥其作用。
For there is no special criminal legislation for proceeding for the minor's criminal cases in China, the proceeding for the minor's criminal procedure depends on the common criminal procedure in a special form. 由于我国关于未成年人刑事案件诉讼程序尚无专门的刑事立法,未成年人刑事诉讼程序依托普通刑事诉讼程序以特殊程序的形式而存在。
The crime of illegal detention is a common criminal activity, which often arises, in recent years. 非法拘禁罪是近年来常见的一种犯罪。
On Oppugning the Common Criminal Pattern of the Criminal Offense of the Important Environment Pollution 重大环境污染事故罪之共同犯罪形态质疑
On analysis of the subject of the common criminal bribery, bribery complicity in the legislative history, judicial interpretation of the contradiction, a common identity and the relationship between crime and angles, to solve the theoretical basis of the common criminal bribery problem. 笔者从共同受贿罪主体构成的角度,从受贿罪共犯的立法沿革、司法解释存在的矛盾、共犯与身份的关系等几个角度进行解读,解决受贿罪共犯的理论依据问题。
The imaginative joinder of offences is an important criminal pattern in criminal theory and it is also a common criminal pattern in the legal practice. 想象竞合犯是刑法理论中重要犯罪形态之一,也是司法实践中常见犯罪形态之一。
Perjury is a common criminal charges at all times, one with serious social harm, but also the common judicial practice of multiple crimes. 伪证罪是古今中外刑法中常见的罪名之一,具有严重的社会危害性,也是司法实践中的常见多发罪。
We usually speak from special up joint crime, namely common criminal defined Shared between different legislations of communication and conduct joint implementation. 我们通常所讲的共同犯罪是从狭义上去定义的,即共同犯罪人之间的共同的主观犯意沟通以及共同实施的实行行为。
Second, crime mob ties and differences between common crime that is a common crime mob crime may or may not be a common criminal. 二是指出聚众犯罪与共同犯罪两者是一种交叉包含关系。聚众犯罪可能是共同犯罪,也可能不是共同犯罪。
Limited practice, also known as an accomplice had limited means to implement a common crime committed in implementation of a common criminal intent beyond the scope of the criminal acts. 实行过限,又称共犯过限,是指在共同犯罪中实行犯实施了超出共同犯罪故意范围之外的犯罪行为。
Some scholars believe that the gathering of crime is not a common criminal, while others are not, for this article was in favor of the latter. 有的学者认为聚众犯罪不是共同犯罪,而有的学者认为聚众犯罪不都是共同犯罪,对于这个问题本文比较赞成后者。
From the perspectives of conception, military criminal law is special, is different from that unique value idea of common criminal law; from the perspectives of the system, the particularity of the military criminal law exists some basic categories of specific connotation. 从观念的层面看,军事刑法之所以特殊,是具有区别于普通刑法的独特的价值理念;从制度的层面看,军事刑法的特殊性在于其法律制度中存在着若干具有特定内涵的基本范畴。
Offenses of subjective intent to direct the implementation of escape is to escape the penalty of detention and punishment, both to complete the process of development patterns, then there is unfinished form; can single implementation, but also showed a common criminal. 脱逃罪主观方面为直接故意,实施脱逃是为了逃避羁押和刑罚处罚,发展过程中既有完成形态,又存在未完成形态;可以单人实施,也可表现为共同犯罪。
The requirement for act subject in corruption is relatively strict, compared with the common criminal act. Corruption tends to resort to public power and cling to public power holder since power rent-seeking is its main characteristic. 与通常的刑事犯罪不同的是,腐败犯罪对于行为主体的要求相对比较严格,以权力寻租为主要特征的腐败犯罪必定借助于特定的公共权力,并依附于掌握公共权力的主体。
Obviously, such legal provisions is not the product of a common criminal organization, but derived from social factors and factual elements in the organizations. 显然,这种立法规定不是共同犯罪组织的规范性因素的产物而是这种组织社会性、事实性的因素影响的结果。
Non-driving staff to become the subject of a crime is based on the establishment of a common criminal drivers. 非驾驶人员成为犯罪主体是基于与驾驶人员成立共同犯罪。
Secondly, the author proves his point of view from insurance fraud "proceeds", basis for the common law crime of insurance fraud and common criminal subject dealt with identity issues. 其次,笔者从保险诈骗着手认定、保险诈骗共同犯罪成立的法律依据和共同犯罪主体身份问题展开论述,论证自己的观点。
Theft is a common criminal violation of property rights. 盗窃罪是一种常见的侵犯财产权利的犯罪。
Common criminal constitute the statement must truthfully surrendered in all criminal facts and contact others criminal facts. 共同犯罪构成自首的必须如实供述所参与实施的所有犯罪事实以及与之有联系的他人犯罪事实。
There are dissimilar rules that regulate the cognizance about amount on different common criminal, because they have different status and function. 各共犯人因其在共同犯罪中的地位与作用的不同存在各自特有的数额认定规则。